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Reinforcing our Commitment

We want to impact the world by ensuring that women living with HIV live free of gender oppression, enjoy our human rights and better health, inclusion and social wellbeing. We will focus on the following key issues affecting women living with HIV:
1. Ensure adequate financial investment in women and girls living with HIV;
2. Eliminate gender-based violence; 
3. Promote universal access to health care, with a focus on HIV and maternal health;
4. Promote the sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) of women living with HIV;
5. End the criminalisation of women living with HIV, in all our diversity

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Policy Documents

#NowWeKnow: Obstetric Violence Campaign

The ICW Young Advocates Media Team developed a statement and broader campaign #NowWeKnow on obstetric violence after participating in an 8-week intensive media program.

Closing the gaps for a person-centred WHO Global Health Sector Strategies on HIV, Hepatitis and Sexuality Transmitted Infections

The comments we have made are an overview summary of our thoughts, made in addition to those we submitted in relation to draft one. We highlight some major gaps that we still see in the current draft.

Approaching PEPFAR Vision 2025 Strategy through a Gender Equity Lens

PEPFAR launched an online survey to provide any additional insights to contribute to its Strategy 2025. Thus it was crucial for all of us, feminist organizations and women living with HIV, to collectively respond to the lack of comprehensive, women-centered, rights based, gender-equitable HIV programs at the center of PEPFAR's new Strategy.

PEPFAR Strategy Statement by Women Living with HIV

Powerful intervention by ICW's Gender Equality Officer at the PEPFAR

Listening Session call on PEPFAR to address the underlying structural inequities imapacting women and to prioritize the needs of women and girls living with HIV, with the support of Salamander Trust

5 Approaches to Improve the WHO Global Health Sector Strategies for HIV, Viral Hepatitis and STIs through a Gender Equity Lens

Developed for the WHO 2021 strategic planning process and supported by 30 networks/organizations of women living with HIV.

6 ICW Non- Neogotiables to Achieve Gender Equality & SRHR for All in the HLM 2021 Political Process

ICW created this document to support networks advocate for gender justice and SRHR for the 2021 UN HLM on HIV and AIDS.

GNP+, ICW, and Y+ Global Joint Global Fund Recommendations

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Sex, Sex Workers and HIV

ICW recognises and supports that sex worker leadership is an integral component for effective responses
to HIV.

HIV Criminalization

ICW advocates for an end to the criminalisation of HIV transmission and
exposure and other forms of criminalisation that oppress women living with HIV.

Forced and Coerced Sterilization

Sterilization without informed consent or under coercion is a widespread form of institutionalized violence against women and is part of a systemic pattern of violations of sexual and reproductive rights experienced globally.

Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights

Women living with HIV have the right to healthy, satisfying sex lives and rights and needlaws and policies to protect, respect and fulfill these rights, as well appropriate services
to ensure their sexual and reproductive health.

Women Who Use Drugs

ICW and INPUD recognize the intersectionality of the experiences of women who use drugs and of women living with HIV.

The Intersections on TB and HIV

 ICW calls on the global TB response including governments to honor the Barcelona Declaration on TB and to provide effective leadership.

Holistic Approach on STARTing Treatment

Despite potential individual and public health benefits, the decision to begin treatment for HIV is a deeply personal decision that reflects a variety of private, contextual and structural factors.

Breastfeeding: Mixed Messages

Women and mothers living with HIV must be provided accurate and comprehensive information on current recommendations on breastfeeding and other infant feeding options.

Treatment Holidays and Adherence

Young women who were born with HIV have a lifetime of treatment, while women who were diagnosed later in life have also been taking medication for many years, causing a range of side effects from antiretroviral therapy, and psychological triggers of stressful and disorienting feelings of guilt and fragility related to one's own health.

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